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  deserving students in the CHS music program.

(Click here for printable flyer & order form)

ShopWithScrip cards, or Scrip, are the easiest way to add money to your child's account.  Your child's account can be used to pay for any of the costs related to music program trips like marching band nationals.  No child in the program? That's okay.  Your generous participation will raise funds that will go straight to the CHS Music Boosters.  For that we thank you!
And.....saving money in these accounts comes at zero cost!
How it works
Once a month, orders are placed for SCRIP cards for all the places you normally shop, the grocery store, the gas station, Starbucks, etc.  A percentage of the face value of the card is placed in your child's account.
Example 1:  Spend $500 at Safeway WITHOUT Scrip....$0 dollars saved
  in your student account.
Example 2:  Spend $500 at Safeway (4% rebate) WITH Scrip.....$20 dollars
  goes into your student account.
Click here to learn more.   
It's a no-brainer!  Scrip orders are monthly and can be made online.  Place order by Saturday prior to Thursday night Booster meeting.  Orders can be paid by check and picked up at the meeting! Easy Peasy!
Want to receive instant ScripNow e-certificates for a last minute major purchase, for a trip, to go out to eat, or to send as a gift? Do you want to simply add more funds to your re-loadable Scrip cards? Sign up for PrestoPay.  It's quick and easy to use, and you can earn much more rebate money.  Signing up for PrestoPay is completely optional.  Note: There is a $0.15 fee per online order but totally worth it when considering the money you could be raising.
For more info and for the code to sign up at send an email to the CHS Music Boosters ShopWithScrip Coordinator
Click here to download and print the sign-up form today.

2024 Century Knights Instrumental Music Boosters         Sykesville, MD 21784


This site is administered by the Century High School Instrumental Music Boosters. The information presented here by does not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the staff or administration of Century High School nor the Carroll County School System.   

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